Thursday, July 21, 2011

Metal Shaping

Today I removed the grill and the splash pan from the truck.

The splash pan was in pretty bad shape, but after a lot of heat, cold water, and a hammer I got it back into shape. It is somewhat presentable now.

Here are the before pics ....

This pan bolts between the frame rails, just under the radiator.  Here are some after some pounding.

Here is after a shot of Rust Reformer. It's not perfect, but 100% better!

Here is the grill shell before .....

Here is a mock up after pounding a bit ......

There is still some more to do on the grill. Especially around the fill neck opening ... I'm not sure why that was cut out and it will not be fun replacing it .... anyone have a beat up old grill that I could get that section off of?

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